Awesome! Thanks again Texas Family Fitness for featuring The Juice Junkie book.
But on to real news,... Juicing is hot! Especially when you include such feisty ingredients as ginger and cayenne in one tantalizing concoction. Here are the details so you can try this at home. If you dare :)
-Kristen. AKA. The Juice Junkie
4 oranges
3 apples
Half a head red cabbage
1 large bowl of spinach
1 whole celery stalk
2 zucchini
1 inch slice of fresh ginger
Cayenne to taste - Feel the burn as they say!
Quick tips on this juice, Cabbage is excellent for acid reflux issues.
Celery contains a testosterone-like nutrient which is excellent for a post gym juice,
Ginger is also soothing to the stomach and calms nausea.
Cayenne will give your metabolism a boost, burning off more calories post workout.
Bottoms Up!