I'd been thinking about what my first post for the Junkie Journal should be, and nothing could be more fitting than finally meeting the inspiration for my book! For those of you new to juicing, Joe Cross is the entrepreneur, filmmaker, author, and soon to be TV personality who created his own documentary about juicing and the amazing effect it has had on his health. It's been life-changing for so many, and meeting him was definitely larger than life. He is just as friendly and entertaining in person as he is in his movies, and a fantastic and energetic speaker.
One of the best things about Joe is he does not claim to be an expert, guru, nutritionist, or "fruit and vegetable Nazi". He is only an expert about Joe, and his own experiences. In his latest movie and books he keeps things very real showing the struggles he and others have had keeping up a healthy lifestyle and maintaining their motivation.
The point he made that I loved the most was not labeling things good or bad, not calling yourself a success or failure based any one of the thousands of decisions we make regarding calories, and sugar, fat, etc... Seeing things as only black and white, and getting lost in the minutiae and varying opinions on health and nutrition can make anyone feel lost or intimidated. We need to trust ourselves and how we are feeling and what works for us. Consider your overall diet, the nutrient content of each food, and make sure you have a balance.
I think this philosophy carries over well into other areas of our lives, especially regarding social media. The internet is such an easy place to rant, and belittle someone else's opinions or choices. Hiding behind a keyboard blasting away is not effective or healthy communication, and generally won't make a difference. The more real we can be, the more actual conversations we can have, then the more we can share and learn with those around us. I hope that this blog can be a positive source of learning and motivation. Feel free to share your experiences here, both successes and pitfalls. Life is often trial and error, so don't compare your outtakes to someone else's highlight reel.